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The run property is the automation code that is executed when a rule is triggered. This property accepts a block of code and executes it. The block is automatically passed an event object which can be used to access multiple properties about the triggering event. The code for the automation can be entirely within the run block can call methods defined in the ruby script.

Update/Change Event Properties

The following properties exist when a run block is triggered from an updated or changed trigger.

itemTriggering item
stateNew state of triggering item (nil if NULL or UNDEF)
state?New state of triggering item is not NULL or UNDEF
null?New state is NULL
undef?New state is UNDEF
wasPrior state of triggering item (nil if NULL or UNDEF)
was?Prior state of triggering item was not NULL or UNDEF
was_null?Prior state was NULL
was_undef?Prior state was UNDEF
attachmentOptional user provided attachment to trigger
  • was* properties are only available for changed trigger.
  • For compatibility, last is also aliased to was.

Command Event Properties

The following properties exist when a run block is triggered from a received_command trigger.

commandCommand sent to item
refresh?If the command is REFRESH
on?If the command is ON
off?If the command is OFF
increase?If the command is INCREASE
decrease?If the command is DECREASE
up?If the command is UP
down?If the command is DOWN
stop?If the command is STOP
move?If the command is MOVE
play?If the command is PLAY
pause?If the command is PAUSE
rewind?If the command is REWIND
fastforward?If the command is FASTFORWARD
next?If the command is NEXT
previous?If the command is PREVIOUS
attachmentOptional user provided attachment to trigger

Thing Event Properties

The following properties exist when a run block is triggered from an updated or changed trigger on a Thing.

uidUID of the triggered Thing
lastStatus before Change for thing (only valid on Change, not update)
statusCurrent status of the triggered Thing
attachmentOptional user provided attachment to trigger

{} Style used for single line blocks

rule 'Access Event Properties' do
  changed TestSwitch
  run { |event|"#{} triggered from #{event.was} to #{event.state}") }

do/end style used for multi-line blocks

rule 'Multi Line Run Block' do
  changed TestSwitch
  run do |event|"#{} triggered")"from #{event.was}") if event.was"to #{event.state}") if event.state

Rules can have multiple run blocks and they are executed in order, Useful when used in combination with delay

rule 'Multiple Run Blocks' do
  changed TestSwitch
  run { |event|"#{} triggered") }
  run { |event|"from #{event.was}") if event.was }
  run { |event|"to #{event.state}") if event.state  }

Channel Event Properties

The following property exists when a run block is triggered from a channel trigger on a Thing. It can be used to get to the Thing.

channelUID of the triggered channel
rule "Keypad Code Received test" do
  channel "mqtt:homie300:mosquitto:backgate:keypad#code"

  run do |event|"Received keycode from #{}")