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Item Metadata

Item metadata can be accessed through Item.meta using the hash syntax. The Item.meta variable is also an Enumerable.

In addition to the Enumerable methods, the following methods are available for Item.meta:

clear Deletes all metadata namespacesItem1.meta.clear
deletenamespaceDelete the given namespaceItem1.meta.delete 'namespace1'
digkey, *keysDig through the namespace to find the specified value`Item1.meta.dig(‘namespace1’, ‘foo’, ‘bar’)
eachnamespace, value, configLoops through all the item’s namespaces 
merge!**otherMerge a hash or other item’s metadata 
namespace?namespaceReturns true if the given namespace exists 

Metadata configuration is a hash and can be accessed using a subscript of Item.meta['namespace']. For example, the following Item metadata

Switch Item1 { namespace1="boo" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }

is accessible via:


The Item namespace has the following methods:

deleteconfig_keyDelete the given metadata configurationItem1.meta['namespace1'].delete ‘config1’
value Returns the namespace valueItem1.meta['namespace1'].value # returns ‘boo’
value= Sets namespace valueItem1.meta['namespace1'].value = 'moo'


With the following item definition:

Switch Item1 { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
String StringItem1
# Check namespace's existence

# Access item's metadata value

# Access namespace1's configuration

# Safely search for the specified value - no errors are raised, only nil returned if a key
# in the chain doesn't exist
Item1.meta.dig('namespace1', 'config1') #=> 'foo'
Item1.meta.dig('namespace2', 'config1') #=> nil

# Set item's metadata value, preserving its config
# Item1's metadata before: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
Item1.meta['namespace1'].value = 'new value'
# Item1's metadata after: { namespace1="new value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }

# Set item's metadata config, preserving its value
# Item1's metadata before: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
Item1.meta['namespace1'].config = { 'scooby'=>'doo' }
# Item1's metadata after: { namespace1="value" [ scooby="doo" ] }

# Set a namespace to a new value and config in one line
# Item1's metadata before: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
Item1.meta['namespace1'] = 'new value', { 'scooby'=>'doo' }
# Item1's metadata after: { namespace1="new value" [ scooby="doo" ] }

# Set item's metadata value and clear its previous config
# Item1's metadata before: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
Item1.meta['namespace1'] = 'new value'
# Item1's metadata after: { namespace1="value" }

# Set item's metadata config, set its value to nil, and wiping out previous config
# Item1's metadata before: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
Item1.meta['namespace1'] = { 'newconfig' => 'value' }
# Item1's metadata after: { namespace1=nil [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }

# Update namespace1's specific configuration, preserving its value and other config
# Item1's metadata before: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
Item1.meta['namespace1']['config1'] = 'doo'
# Item1's metadata will be: { namespace1="value" [ config1="doo", config2="bar" ] }

# Add a new configuration to namespace1
# Item1's metadata before: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
Item1.meta['namespace1']['config3'] = 'boo'
# Item1's metadata after: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar", config3="boo" ] }

# Delete a config
# Item1's metadata before: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
# Item1's metadata after: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo" ] }

# Add a namespace and set it to a value
# Item1's metadata before: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
Item1.meta['namespace2'] = 'qx'
# Item1's metadata after: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ], namespace2="qx" }

# Add a namespace and set it to a value and config
# Item1's metadata before: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
Item1.meta['namespace2'] = 'qx', { 'config1' => 'doo' }
# Item1's metadata after: { namespace1="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ], namespace2="qx" [ config1="doo" ] }

# Enumerate Item1's namespaces
Item1.meta.each { |namespace, value, config|"Item1's namespace: #{namespace}='#{value}' #{config}") }

# Add metadata from a hash
Item1.meta.merge!({'namespace1' => [ 'foo', {'config1'=>'baz'} ], 'namespace2' => [ 'qux', {'config'=>'quu'} ]})

# Merge Item2's metadata into Item1's metadata
Item1.meta.merge! Item2.meta

# Delete a namespace

# Delete all metadata of the item

# Does this item have any metadata?

# Store another item's state
StringItem1.update 'TEST'
Item1.meta['other_state'] = StringItem1

# Store event's state
rule 'save event state' do
  changed StringItem1
  run { |event| Item1.meta['last_event'] = event.was }

# if the namespace already exists: Update the value of a namespace but preserve its config 
# otherwise: create a new namespace with the given value and nil config
Item1.meta['namespace'] = 'value', Item1.meta['namespace']

# Copy another namespace
# Item1's metadata before: { namespace2="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }
Item1.meta['namespace'] = Item1.meta['namespace2']
# Item1's metadata after: { namespace2="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ], namespace="value" [ config1="foo", config2="bar" ] }