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OpenHAB supports a semantic model to help you define relationships between items.

Item helper methods

Several semantics helper methods are defined on items in order to easily navigate this model in your scripts. This can be extremely useful to find related items in rules that are executed for any member of a group.

semantic?Returns true if the item has any semantic tags
location?Returns true if the item is a location
equipment?Returns trus if the item is an equipment
point?Returns true if the item is a point
locationThe location group item that this item belongs to, or nil if it has no location.
equipmentThe equipment item that this item belongs to, or nil if it doesn’t belong to an equipment.
pointsReturns the related Point items. If the item is a location or an equipment, returns all the Points within its members. Otherwise, returns its sibling Points. Accepts 1-2 optional arguments of point type and/or property type to filter the result.
semantic_typeReturns the item’s semantic class
location_typeReturns the sub-class of Location related to this Item
equipment_typeReturns the sub-class of Equipment related to this Item
point_typeReturns the sub-class of Point this Item is tagged with
property_typeReturns the sub-class of Property this Item is tagged with

Note: In openHAB 3.2, Item#equipment and Item#location will return itself instead of its parent equipment or location if it itself is an equipment or a location. This behavior changed in openHAB 3.3 to return its parent equipment/location or nil if none is found.

Enumerable helper methods

Enumerable helper methods are also provided to complement the semantic model. These methods can be chained together to find specific item(s) based on custom tags or group memberships that are outside the semantic model.

locationsSelects elements that are a semantics Location (optionally of the given type)
equipmentsSelects elements that are a semantics equipment (optionally of the given type)
pointsSelects elements that are semantics points (optionally of a given type)
taggedSelects elements that have at least one of the given tags
not_taggedSelects elements that do not have any of the given tags
member_ofSelects elements that are a member of at least one of the given groups
not_member_ofSelects elements that are not a member of any of the given groups
commandSend a command to every item in the collection
updateUpdate the state of every item in the collection
ensureApply ensure state check on each member when command or update is chained afterwards.
membersReturns a new array that contains the group members of the elements. This is handy for finding Points in an array of Equipments or Locations.

The Enumerable helper methods apply to:

  • Group item’s members and all_members. This includes semantic #location and #equipment because they are also group items. An exception is for Equipments that are an item (not a group)
  • Array of items, such as the return value of #equipments, #locations, #points, #tagged, #not_tagged, #member_of, #not_member_of, #members methods, etc.
  • items[] hash which contains all items in the system.

Semantic Classes

Each Semantic Tag has a corresponding class within the org.openhab.core.semantics.model class hierarchy. These semantic classes are available as constants in the Semantics module with the corresponding name. The following table illustrates the semantic constants:

Semantic ConstantopenHAB’s Semantic Class

These constants can be used as arguments to the #points, #locations and #equipments methods to filter their results. They can also be compared against the return value of semantic_type, location_type, equipment_type, point_type, and property_type.

# Return an array of sibling points with a "Switch" tag

# check semantic type
LoungeRoom_Light.equipment_type == Semantics::Lightbulb
Light_Color.property_type == Semantics::Light


Find the switch item for a scene channel on a zwave dimmer


Group   gFullOn

Group   eGarageLights        "Garage Lights"             (lGarage)                 [ "Lightbulb" ]
Dimmer  GarageLights_Dimmer  "Garage Lights"    <light>  (eGarageLights)           [ "Switch" ]
Number  GarageLights_Scene   "Scene"                     (eGarageLights, gFullOn)

Group   eMudLights           "Mud Room Lights"           (lMud)                    [ "Lightbulb" ]
Dimmer  MudLights_Dimmer     "Garage Lights"    <light>  (eMudLights)              [ "Switch" ]
Number  MudLights_Scene      "Scene"                     (eMudLights, gFullOn)


rule "turn dimmer to full on when switch double-tapped up" do
  changed gFullOn.members, to: 1.3
  run do |event|
    dimmer_item = event.item.points(Semantics::Switch).first
    dimmer_item.ensure << 100

Turn off all the lights in a room

Group   gRoomOff

Group   eGarageLights        "Garage Lights"             (lGarage)                  [ "Lightbulb" ]
Dimmer  GarageLights_Dimmer  "Garage Lights"    <light>  (eGarageLights)            [ "Switch" ]
Number  GarageLights_Scene   "Scene"                     (eGarageLights, gRoomOff)

Group   eMudLights           "Mud Room Lights"           (lGarage)                  [ "Lightbulb" ]
Dimmer  MudLights_Dimmer     "Garage Lights"    <light>  (eMudLights)               [ "Switch" ]
Number  MudLights_Scene      "Scene"                     (eMudLights)


rule "turn off all lights in the room when switch double-tapped down" do
  changed gRoomOff.members, to: 2.3
  run do |event|

We can use custom tags to identify certain items that don’t quite fit in the semantic model. The extensions to the Enumerable mentioned above can help in this scenario.

In the following example, the TV Equipment has three Points. However, we are using custom tags Application and Channel to identify the corresponding points, since the semantic model doesn’t have a specific property for them.

Here, we use Enumerable#tagged to find the point with the custom tag that we want.

Group   gTVPower
Group   lLivingRoom                                 [ "LivingRoom" ]

Group   eTV             "TV"       (lLivingRoom)    [ "Television" ]
Switch  TV_Power        "Power"    (eTV, gTVPower)  [ "Switch", "Power" ]
String  TV_Application  "App"      (eTV)            [ "Control", "Application" ]
String  TV_Channel      "Channel"  (eTV)            [ "Control", "Channel" ]
rule 'Switch TV to Netflix on startup' do
  changed gTVPower.members, to: ON
  run do |event|
    application = event.item.points.tagged('Application').first
    application << 'netflix'

Find all semantic entities regardless of hierarchy

# All locations

# All rooms

# All equipments

# All lightbulbs

# All blinds

# Turn off all "Power control"
items.points(Semantics::Control, Semantics::Power).off

# All items tagged "SmartLightControl"