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ColorItem represents a color. Note that it inherits from DimmerItem, so you can call on, off, on?, off?, etc. on it. It’s state type is an HSBType, which is generally stored as Hue, Saturation, and Brightness, but has easy helpers for working with RGB values of various forms.

hue Returns the color’s hue component as a QuantityType of unit DEGREE_ANGLE
saturation Returns the color’s saturation component as a PercentType
brightness Returns the color’s brightness component as a PercentType
red Returns the color’s red component as a PercentType
green Returns the color’s green component as a PercentType
blue Returns the color’s blue component as a PercentType
to_rgb Returns an array of length 3 PercentType, corresponding to red, blue, and green
argb Returns a 32-bit integer of 2-bytes per alpha/red/blue/green component
rgb Returns a 32-bit integer of 2-bytes per red/blue/green component
to_hex Returns a string of the RGB color value in HTML format (#ffffff)
to_h:hsb(default), :rgbReturns a hash of the color’s components
to_a:hsb(default), :rgbReturns an array of the color’s components


HueBulb << "#ff0000" # send 'red' as a command
HueBulb << {red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0} # send 'red' as a command
HueBulb << {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0} # send 'red' as a command
HueBulb << {hue: 100, saturation: 0, brightness: 0} # send HSB components as a hash
HueBulb << {h: 100, s: 0, b: 0} # send HSB components  as a hash # => 100%
HueBulb.hue # => 0 °
HueBulb.brightness # => 100%
HueBulb.to_rgb # => [100%, 0%, 0%]
HueBulb.rgb # => 16711680
HueBulb.to_hex # => "0xff0000"
HueBulb.on? # => true # => 255 # => 0
HueBulb.to_h # => {:hue=>0 °, :saturation=>100%, :brightness=>100%} 
HueBulb.to_h(:rgb) # => {:red=>255, :green=>0, :blue=>0} 
HueBulb.to_a # => [0 °, 100%, 100%] 
HueBulb.to_a(:rgb) # => [255, 0, 0] 
