A group can be accessed directly by name, to access all groups use the groups
method. A Group behaves like a regular Item, but also lets you iterate through it’s members and use all the available methods of Enumerable. If the group have a type all methods of that type is directly available.
Group Methods
Method | Description |
members | Used to inform a rule that you want it to operate on the items in the group (see example below) |
all_members | Gets all descendants of the group recursively excluding groups. Pass :all as argument to include groups as well, or :groups to only get the sub groups. It’s also possible to pass a block to make more advanced filters |
each | Iterates through the members of the group and execute the code in the provided block for each member |
enumerable methods | All methods here |
Use in triggers
Groups can be used in triggers in two different ways:
changed Switches # Executes the rule when the state of the group item changes
changed Switches.members # Executes the rule when any of the groups members changes its state
Given the following
Group House
// Location perspective
Group GroundFloor (House)
Group Livingroom (GroundFloor)
// Functional perspective
Group Sensors (House)
Group Temperatures (Sensors)
Number Livingroom_Temperature "Living Room temperature" (Livingroom, Temperatures)
Number Bedroom_Temp "Bedroom temperature" (GroundFloor, Temperatures)
Number Den_Temp "Den temperature" (GroundFloor, Temperatures)
The following are log lines and the output after the comment
#Operate on items in a group using enumerable methods"Total Temperatures: #{Temperatures.count}") #Total Temperatures: 3'"Temperatures: #{House.all_members.sort_by(&:label).map(&:label).join(', ')}") #Temperatures: Bedroom temperature, Den temperature, Living Room temperature'
#Access to the methods and attributes like any item"Group: #{}" # Group: Temperatures'
#Operates on items in nested groups using enumerable methods"House Count: #{House.all_members.count}") # House Count: 3"Items: #{House.all_members.sort_by(&:label).map(&:label).join(', ')}") # Items: Bedroom temperature, Den temperature, Living Room temperature
#Access to sub groups using all_members(:groups)"House Sub Groups: #{House.all_members(:groups).count}") # House Sub Groups: 4"Groups: #{House.all_members(:groups).sort_by(&:id).map(&:id).join(', ')}") # Groups: GroundFloor, Livingroom, Sensors, Temperatures
#Filter the items returned by `all_members` in other ways using a block { |item| /.*room.*/.match?( }.sort_by(&:name).map(&:name).join(', ')) # Bedroom_Temp, Livingroom, Livingroom_Temperature
#Iterate through the direct members of the group
Temperatures.each do |item|"#{} is: #{item}")
#Living Room temperature is 22
#Bedroom temperature is 21
#Den temperature is 19
rule 'Turn off any switch that changes' do
changed Switches.members
triggered &:off
Built in enumerable/set functions can be applied to groups."Max is #{Temperatures.max}")"Min is #{Temperatures.min}")