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truthy? Item state not UNDEF, not NULL and is not Zeroputs "#{} is truthy" if item.truthy?
+,-,*,/amountPerform the operation between the state of the number item and the supplied value*NumberItem << NumberItem - 5 or NumberItem << 10 + NumberItem
|unitConvert the supplied NumberItem to the supplied unit. Unit can either be a Unit class or string representation of the symbol, returns a QuantityType object.NumberItem | ImperialUnits::FAHRENHEIT or NumberItem |'°F'
to_d Returns the state as a BigDecimal or nil if state is UNDEF or NULLNumberOne.to_d
to_i Returns the state as an Integer or nil if state is UNDEF or NULLNumberOne.to_i
to_f Returns the state as a Float or nil if state is UNDEF or NULLNumberOne.to_f
dimension Returns the dimension of the Number Item, nil if the number is dimensionlessNumberone.dimension
Numeric Methods All methods for Ruby Numeric 

Math operations for dimensionless numbers return a type of Ruby BigDecimal. Check Quantities section for details of how math operations impact dimensioned numbers.


Math operations can be performed directly on the NumberItem

# Add 5 to a number item
NumberOne << NumberOne + 5

# Add Number item to 5
NumberOne << 5 + NumberOne

Number Items can be selected in an enumerable with grep.

# Get all NumberItems
     .each { |number|"#{} is a Number Item") }

Number Item work with ranges and can be used in grep.

# Get numbers in group Numbers with a state of less than 50
# Get all NumberItems less than 50
       .each { |number|"#{} is less than 50") }

Number Items can also be used in case statements with ranges.

#Check if number items is less than 50
case NumberOne
when (0...50)"#{} is less than 50")
when (50..100)"#{} is greater than 50")

Number Items can be compared directly against Numeric

if NumberOne > 10"Item #{} is greater than 10")

Number Items can be compared against the value of another Number Item

if NumberOne > NumberTwo"Item #{} (#{NumberOne}) is greater than #{} (#{NumberTwo})")


Quantities are part of the Units of Measurement framework in OpenHAB. They are represented as a decimal number with a unit in a QuantityType object. You can construct a QuantityType object by using the pipe operator with any numeric.

+,-,*,/,-(negate)amountPerform the operation between the state of the number item and the supplied value*NumberItem << NumberItem - 5 or NumberItem << 10 + NumberItem
|unitConvert the supplied QuantityType to the supplied unit. Unit can either be a Unit class or string representation of the symbolNumberItem | ImperialUnits::FAHRENHEIT or NumberItem|'°F'


QuantityTypes can perform math operations between them.

(50 | '°F') + -(25 | '°F') # => 25.0 °F
(100 | '°F') / (2 | '°F') # => 50
(50 | '°F') - (25 | '°F') # => 25 °F
(50 | '°F') + (50 | '°F') # => 100 °F

If the operand is a string it will be automatically converted into a QuantityType.

(100 | '°F') / '2 °F' # => 50
(50 | '°F') - '25 °F' # => 25 °F
(50 | '°F') + '50 °F' # => 100 °F

If the operand is a number, it will be unit-less, but the result of the operation will have a unit. This only works for multiplication and division.

(50 | '°F') * 2 # => 100 °F
(100 | '°F') / 2 # => 50 °F

If the operand is a dimensioned NumberItem it will automatically be converted to a quantity for the operation.

# NumberF = '2 °F'
# NumberC = '2 °C'

(50 | '°F') + NumberF # => 52.0 °F
(50 | '°F') + NumberC # => 85.60 °F

If the operand is a non-dimensioned NumberItem it can be used only in multiplication and division operations.

# Number Dimensionless = 2

(50 | '°F') * Dimensionless # => 100 °F
(50 | '°F') / Dimensionless # => 25 °F

Quantities can be compared, if they have comparable units.

(50 | '°F') >  (25 | '°F')
(50 | '°F') >  (525 | '°F')
(50 | '°F') >= (50 | '°F')
(50 | '°F') == (50 | '°F')
(50 | '°F') <  (25 | '°C')

If the compare-to is a string, it will be automatically converted into a quantity.

(50 | '°F') == '50 °F'
(50 | '°F') <  '25 °C'

A string range can be used with quantity:

('0 °C'..'100 °C').cover?(NumberC)

A string range can also be used in a case statement for a dimensioned item:

description = case NumberC
              when '-20°C'...'18°C' then 'too cold'
              when '18°C'...'25°C'  then 'comfortable'
              when '25°C'...'40°C'  then 'too warm'
              else 'out of range'

Dimensioned Number Items can be converted to quantities with other units using the | operator

# NumberC = '23 °C'

# Using a unit"In Fahrenheit #{NumberC | ImperialUnits::FAHRENHEIT }")

# Using a string"In Fahrenheit #{NumberC | '°F'}")

Dimensionless Number Items can be converted to quantities with units using the | operator

# Dimensionless = 70

# Using a unit"In Fahrenheit #{Dimensionless| ImperialUnits::FAHRENHEIT }")

# Using a string"In Fahrenheit #{Dimensionless | '°F'}")

Dimensioned Number Items automatically use their units and convert automatically for math operations

# Number:Temperature NumberC = 23 °C
# Number:Temperature NumberF = 70 °F

NumberC - NumberF # => 1.88 °C
NumberF + NumberC # => 143.40 °F

Dimensionless Number Items can be used for multiplication and division.

# Number Dimensionless = 2
# Number:Temperature NumberF = 70 °F

NumberF * Dimensionless # => 140.0 °F
NumberF / Dimensionless # => 35.0 °F
Dimensionless * NumberF # => 140.0 °F
2 * NumberF             # => 140.0 °F

Comparisons work on dimensioned number items with different, but comparable units.

# Number:Temperature NumberC = 23 °C
# Number:Temperature NumberF = 70 °F

NumberC > NumberF # => true

Comparisons work with dimensioned numbers and strings representing quantities

# Number:Temperature NumberC = 23 °C
# Number:Temperature NumberF = 70 °F

NumberC > '4 °F'   # => true
NumberC == '23 °C' # => true

For certain unit types, such as temperature, all unit needs to be normalized to the comparator for all operations when combining comparison operators with dimensioned numbers.

(NumberC | '°F') - (NumberF | '°F') < '4 °F'

To facilitate conversion of multiple dimensioned and dimensionless numbers the unit block may be used. The unit block attempts to do the right thing based on the mix of dimensioned and dimensionless items within the block. Specifically all dimensionless items are converted to the supplied unit, except when they are used for multiplication or division.

# Number:Temperature NumberC = 23 °C
# Number:Temperature NumberF = 70 °F
# Number Dimensionless = 2

unit('°F') { NumberC - NumberF < 4 }                                # => true
unit('°F') { NumberC - '24 °C' < 4 }                                # => true
unit('°F') { (24 | '°C') - NumberC < 4 }                            # => true
unit('°C') { NumberF - '20 °C' < 2 }                                # => true
unit('°C') { NumberF - Dimensionless }                              # => 19.11 °C
unit('°C') { NumberF - Dimensionless < 20 }                         # => true
unit('°C') { Dimensionless + NumberC == 25 }                        # => true
unit('°C') { 2 + NumberC == 25 }                                    # => true
unit('°C') { Dimensionless * NumberC == 46 }                        # => true
unit('°C') { 2 * NumberC == 46 }                                    # => true
unit('°C') { ( (2 * (NumberF + NumberC) ) / Dimensionless ) < 45 }  # => true
unit('°C') { [NumberC, NumberF, Dimensionless].min }                # => 2