All OpenHAB’s actions including those provided by add-ons are available, notably:
- Audio
- Voice
- Things
- Ephemeris
- Exec
- Ping
From add-ons, e.g.:
- Transformation
- PersistenceExtensions (from Persistence add-on)
- NotificationAction (from OpenHAB cloud add-on)
For convenience, the following methods are implemented:
Method | Parameters | Description |
notify | msg, email: (optional) | When an email is specified, calls NotificationAction.sendNotification. Otherwise, calls NotificationAction.sendBroadcastNotification |
say | text, volume: (optional), voice: (optional), sink: (optional) | Calls Voice.say() |
play_sound | filename, volume: (optional), sink: (optional) | Calls Audio.playSound() |
play_stream | url, sink: (optional) | Calls Audio.playStream() |
Accessing thing-related actions
There are two methods to access thing related actions.
The first method uses the action
method and is analogous to how you load actions in the Jython helper libraries. The second method takes advantage of the fact that actions are intrinsically attached to Things.
actions based
Method | Parameters | Description |
actions | scope, thing_uid | Return the Action object for the given scope and thing_uid |
mail = actions('mail', 'mail:smtp:local')
mail.sendEmail('', 'subject', 'message')
things based
Method | Parameters | Description |
varies | varies | Action methods delegated from thing to associated actions |
things['mail:smtp:local'].sendEmail('', 'subject', 'message')
Run the TTS engine and output the default audio sink. For more information see Voice
rule 'Say the time every hour' do
every :hour
run { say "The time is #{}" }
rule 'Play an audio file' do
every :hour
run { play_sound "beep.mp3", volume: 100 }
play_stream ''
Send a broadcast notification via the OpenHAB Cloud
rule 'Send an alert' do
changed Alarm_Triggered, to: ON
run { notify 'Red Alert!' }
Send an email using the Mail binding
rule 'Send an Email' do
every :day
run do
mail = actions('mail', 'mail:smtp:local')
mail.sendEmail('', 'subject', 'message')
Execute a command line
rule 'Run a command' do
every :day
run do