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Item and State Type Comparisons

Comparisons of items implicitly compare the states.

# When Item1, Item2 and Item3 all have the same state:

# State comparison
Item1 == Item2                      # => true - when they both have the same state
Item1 == items['Item2']             # => true - same as above

Item1 == ON                         # => true if Item1's state is ON
ON == Item1                         # => true if Item1's state is ON

case Item1
when OFF then'Item1 is OFF')
when ON then'Item1 is ON')

NumberItem1 > 5                     # Item can be compared against numbers
Outside_Temp > '24 °C'              # with Units of Measurement
StringItem1 == 'single'             # or string
DateItem1 <                # or date/time
DateItem1 < '2022-01-01'            # datetime against string

Item Comparisons

To compare item objects, use the #item method on either item:

# When Item1, Item2 and Item3 all have the same state:

# Item comparison
Item1 == Item2.item                 # => false - different items
Item1 == items['Item2'].item        # => false - different items
Item1 == items['Item1'].item        # => true - same item
# Using eql?
Item1.eql?(Item2)                   # => false - different items
Item1.eql?(items['Item1'])          # => true - same item

# Case statement. Given Item1, Item2 and Item3 are OFF
result =  case Item1                # => 'off' 
          when OFF then 'off'       #   OFF === Item1 is true, first match
          when Item2 then 'i2'
          when Item1 then 'i1'

result =  case Item1.item           # => 'i1' 
          when OFF then 'off'       #   OFF === Item1.item   => false
          when Item2 then 'i2'      #   Item2 === Item1.item => false
          when Item1 then 'i1'      #   Item1 === Item1.item => true

Items within Hashes, Arrays and Groups

Using #item is needed for Array#include? and Hash#value?, but not necessary for hash keys or grep:

# Given that:
# Item1, Item2 and Item2 contain the same state
# Item1 and Item2 belong to Group12 group
# Item3 doesn't belong to Group12 group

# Arrays and Group #include? will compare against the given item's state
[Item1, Item2].include?(Item3)        # => true - array has item(s) whose state match Item3's state
[Item1, Item2].include?(Item3.state)  # => true - same as above 

# To check for the actual item, use .item
[Item1, Item2].include?(Item3.item)   # => false - now we're checking for the item object

Group12.include?(Item3)               # => true - Item3 is not in the group but its state matches
Group12.include?(Item3.item)          # => false - now we're checking for the actual item

# GOTCHA: Hash keys and grep operate on the item itself, not its state
hash = { Item1 => 'value1', Item2 => 'value2' }
hash[Item3]                           # => nil - this will look up the item
hash[Item2]                           # => 'value2' - this will look up the item
hash[Item2.item]                      # => 'value2' - we can use an explicit .item

[Item1, Item2].grep(Item3)            # => [] - grep also looks up the item, not the state
[Item1, Item2].grep(Item3.item)       # => [] - we can use an explicit .item 
[Item1, Item2].grep(Item3.state)      # => [Item1, Item2] - same state as Item3's state

In summary: To avoid ambiguity, use the item’s #item method whenever the item’s object needs to be matched.

Type Comparisons

Some OpenHAB item types can accept different command types. For example, a Dimmer item can accept a command with an OnOffType, IncreaseDecreaseType or a PercentType. However, ultimately an item only stores its state in its native type, e.g. a Dimmer item’s native type is PercentType.

Loose Type-Comparisons

Comparisons between two compatible types will return true when applicable, for example:

  • 0 (PercentType) equals OFF and the off? predicate will return true
  • A positive PercentType equals ON and the on? predicate will return true
sleep 1
DimmerItem1 == 10 # => true
DimmerItem1 == ON # => true
DimmerItem1.on? # => true # => false
rule 'command' do
  received_command DimmerItem1
  run do |event|
    if event.command.on?
      # This will be executed even when the command is a positive PercentType
      # instead of an actual ON command"DimmerItem1 is being turned on")

DimmerItem1 << 100 # => This will trigger the above

Bypassing Loose Type-Comparisons

If at any point you want to bypass loose type conversions, use eql?. Just be aware that this also bypasses the implicit conversion of an Item to its state.

sleep 1
logger.error DimmerItem1.eql?(10) # => false. It compares the _item_ object not its state
logger.error DimmerItem1.eql?(items['DimmerItem1']) # => true. It compares the _item_ object
logger.error DimmerItem1.state.eql?(ON) # => false
logger.error DimmerItem1.state.eql?(10) # => false
logger.error DimmerItem1.state.eql?( # => true

Strict Type-Comparisons

Sometimes it is critical to know the exact command being sent. For example, a rule may need to distinguish between ON vs. a PercentType command. In this instance, Ruby’s case equality operator === can be used. It will only evaluate to true if the two operands have the same type.

The strict type comparison applies to Ruby’s case statement because it is implemented using the case equality operator ===

rule 'command' do
  received_command DimmerItem1
  run do |event|
    case event.command
    when ON then"DimmerItem1 received an ON command")
    when OFF then"DimmerItem1 received an OFF command")
    when 0 then"DimmerItem1 received 0 percent")
    when 1..99 then"DimmerItem1 received between 1 and 99 percent")
    when 100 then"DimmerItem1 received 100 percent")
    when INCREASE then"Increase")
    when DECREASE then"Decrease")
    when REFRESH then"Refresh")

Regular expressions can still be used on a StringType command.

rule 'command' do
  received_command StringItem1
  run do |event|
    case event.command
    when /abc/ then'Command contains "abc"')
    else'Received something else')

StringItem1 << '123 abc 456' # This will log 'Command contains "abc"'

Comparisons Against States

Because case statements match against the underlying item or state’s type, beware of the following case. Note that we are checking the event’s state this time, not command.

rule 'dimmer' do
  changed DimmerItem1
  run do |event|
    case event.state
    when ON then"This will never match")
    when OFF then"Neither will this")
    else"This will always be the case")

The correct way to handle this would be to use the underlying type which is PercentType or Numeric:

rule 'dimmer' do
  changed DimmerItem1
  run do |event|
    case event.state
    when 0 then"The dimmer is off")
    when 1..100 then"The dimmer is on")
    else"The dimmer is either NULL or UNDEF")