Given Clean OpenHAB with latest Ruby Libraries
And group "Dimmers"
And items:
type | name | label | group | state |
Dimmer | DimmerOne | Dimmer One | Dimmers | 50 |
Dimmer | DimmerTwo | Dimmer Two | Dimmers | 50 |
on/off sends commands to a Dimmer
Given item states:
item | state |
DimmerOne | <initial_state> |
DimmerTwo | <initial_state |
And code in a rules file
# Turn on all dimmers in group
When I deploy the rules file
Then "DimmerOne" should be in state "<final_state>" within 5 seconds
And "DimmerTwo" should be in state "<final_state>" within 5 seconds
initial_state |
command |
final_state |
on |
100 |
ON |
off |
0 |
on?/off? checks state of dimmer
Given item states:
item | state |
DimmerOne | <initial_state> |
And code in a rules file
# Turn on switches in opposite state
When I deploy the rules file
Then "DimmerOne" should be in state "<final_state>" within 5 seconds
initial_state |
check |
command |
final_state |
0 |
off? |
on |
100 |
100 |
on? |
off |
0 |
dim and brighten incease or decrease dimmer brightness
Given item states:
item | state |
DimmerOne | <initial_state> |
And code in a rules file
# Turn on switches in opposite state
When I deploy the rules file
Then "DimmerOne" should be in state "<final_state>" within 5 seconds
initial_state |
command |
final_state |
50 |
DimmerOne.dim 2 |
48 |
50 |
DimmerOne.brighten 2 |
52 |
50 |
DimmerOne.dim |
49 |
50 |
DimmerOne.brighten |
51 |
decrease/increase should send the increase or decrease command
Given code in a rules file
# Turn on switches in opposite state
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Sending Command <command_log> to Dimmer One" within 5 seconds
command |
command_log |
DimmerOne.decrease |
DimmerOne.increase |
math operations (+,-,/,*) should work on dimmer items
Given item states:
item | state |
DimmerOne | <initial_state> |
And code in a rules file
# Turn on switches in opposite state
When I deploy the rules file
Then "DimmerOne" should be in state "<final_state>" within 5 seconds
initial_state |
command |
final_state |
50 |
DimmerOne << DimmerOne + 2 |
52 |
50 |
DimmerOne << 2 + DimmerOne |
52 |
50 |
DimmerOne << DimmerOne - 2 |
48 |
50 |
DimmerOne << 98 - DimmerOne |
48 |
50 |
DimmerOne << DimmerOne / 2 |
25 |
50 |
DimmerOne << 100 / DimmerOne |
2 |
50 |
DimmerOne << 2 * DimmerOne |
100 |
Dimmer should work with grep
Given code in a rules file
# Get all dimmers
.each { |dimmer| logger.info("#{dimmer.id} is a Dimmer") }
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Dimmer One is a Dimmer" within 5 seconds
Dimmer should log provide its state on to_s
Given item states:
item | state |
DimmerOne | <initial_state> |
And code in a rules file
logger.info("#{DimmerOne.id} is set to #{DimmerOne}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Dimmer One is set to <initial_state>" within 5 seconds
Dimmer should work with grep in ranges
Given item states:
item | state |
DimmerOne | 49 |
DimmerTwo | 51 |
And code in a rules file
# Get dimmers with a state of less than 50
.each { |item| logger.info("#{item.id} is less than 50") }
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Dimmer One is less than 50" within 5 seconds
But It should not log "Dimmer Two is less than 50" within 5 seconds
Switch states work in cases
Given item states:
item | state |
DimmerOne | 49 |
DimmerTwo | 51 |
And code in a rules file
#Log dimmer states partioning at 50%
.each do |dimmer|
case dimmer
when (0..50)
logger.info("#{dimmer.id} is less than 50%")
when (51..100)
logger.info("#{dimmer.id} is greater than 50%")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Dimmer One is less than 50%" within 5 seconds
And It should log "Dimmer Two is greater than 50%" within 5 seconds
Dimmer can be compared against a number
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("DimmerOne #{DimmerOne} DimmerTwo #{DimmerTwo}")
logger.info("DimmerOne == 50? #{DimmerOne == 50}")
logger.info("DimmerOne == DimmerTwo? #{DimmerOne == DimmerTwo}")
logger.info("DimmerOne > 50? #{DimmerOne > 50}")
logger.info("DimmerOne < 60? #{DimmerOne < 60}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "DimmerOne > 50? false" within 5 seconds
And It should log "DimmerOne == 50? true" within 5 seconds
And It should log "DimmerOne < 60? true" within 5 seconds
And It should log "DimmerOne == DimmerTwo? true" within 5 seconds