Given Clean OpenHAB with latest Ruby Libraries
And feature 'openhab-binding-astro' installed
And things:
id | thing_uid | label | config | status |
home | astro:sun | Astro Sun Data | {"geolocation":"0,0"} | enable |
Things method provides access to all things.
Given code in a rules file
things.each { |thing| logger.info("Thing: #{thing.uid}")}
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Thing: astro:sun:home' within 5 seconds
Things support [] lookup
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Thing: #{things['astro:sun:home'].uid}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Thing: astro:sun:home' within 5 seconds
Things support [] lookup using a ThingUID
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Thing: #{things[org.openhab.core.thing.ThingUID.new('astro:sun:home')].uid}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Thing: astro:sun:home' within 5 seconds
ThingUID#inspect logs the full UID as string
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Thing: #{org.openhab.core.thing.ThingUID.new('astro:sun:home').inspect}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Thing: astro:sun:home' within 5 seconds
ThingUID#== works against a regular string
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Is equal: #{org.openhab.core.thing.ThingUID.new('astro:sun:home') == 'astro:sun:home'}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Is equal: true' within 5 seconds
String#== works against a ThingUID (using ThingUID#to_str)
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Is equal: #{'astro:sun:home' == org.openhab.core.thing.ThingUID.new('astro:sun:home')}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Is equal: true' within 5 seconds
ThingUID#binding_id returns the correct value
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Binding: #{org.openhab.core.thing.ThingUID.new('astro:sun:home').binding_id}$")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Binding: astro$' within 5 seconds
Rule supports thing status changes for changed and updated
Given a deployed rule:
rule 'Execute rule when thing is <trigger>' do
<trigger> things['astro:sun:home']
run { |event| logger.info("Thing #{event.uid} status <trigger> to #{event.status}") }
When thing "astro:sun:home" is disabled
Then It should log 'Thing astro:sun:home status <trigger> to UNINITIALIZED (DISABLED)' within 5 seconds
Rule supports thing status changes and updates with specific to states
Given a deployed rule:
rule 'Execute rule when thing is changed' do
<trigger> things['astro:sun:home'], :to => <state>
run { |event| logger.info("Thing #{event.uid} status <trigger> to #{event.status}") }
When thing "astro:sun:home" is disabled
Then It <should> log 'Thing astro:sun:home status <trigger> to UNINITIALIZED (DISABLED)' within 5 seconds
state |
trigger |
should |
:uninitialized |
changed |
should |
:unknown |
changed |
should not |
:uninitialized |
updated |
should |
:unknown |
updated |
should not |
Rule supports thing status changes with specific from states
Given a deployed rule:
rule 'Execute rule when thing is changed' do
changed things['astro:sun:home'], :from => <state>
run { |event| logger.info("Thing #{event.uid} status changed to #{event.status}") }
When thing "astro:sun:home" is disabled
Then It <should> log 'Thing astro:sun:home status changed to UNINITIALIZED' within 5 seconds
state |
should |
:online |
should |
:unknown |
should not |
Rule supports thing status changes with specific from and to states
Given a deployed rule:
rule 'Execute rule when thing is changed' do
changed things['astro:sun:home'], :from => <from_state>, :to => <to_state>
run { |event| logger.info("Thing #{event.uid} status changed to #{event.status}") }
When thing "astro:sun:home" is disabled
Then It <should> log 'Thing astro:sun:home status changed to UNINITIALIZED' within 5 seconds
from_state |
to_state |
should |
:online |
:uninitialized |
should |
:unknown |
:uninitialized |
should not |
Rule supports thing status changes with duration
Given a deployed rule:
rule 'Execute rule when thing is changed for 10 seconds' do
changed things['astro:sun:home'], :to => :uninitialized, for: 10.seconds
run { |event| logger.info("Thing #{event.uid} status changed to #{event.status}") }
And thing "astro:sun:home" is enabled
When thing "astro:sun:home" is disabled
Then It should log 'Thing astro:sun:home status changed to UNINITIALIZED' within 15 seconds
Rule supports thing status changes with duration
Given a deployed rule:
rule 'Execute rule when thing is changed for 20 seconds' do
changed things['astro:sun:home'], :to => :uninitialized, for: 20.seconds
run { |event| logger.info("Thing #{event.uid} status changed to #{event.status}") }
And thing "astro:sun:home" is enabled
When thing "astro:sun:home" is disabled
Then if I wait 5 seconds
And thing "astro:sun:home" is enabled
Then It should not log 'Thing astro:sun:home status changed to UNINITIALIZED' within 20 seconds
Rule supports boolean thing status methods
Given thing "astro:sun:home" is <enable>
And if I wait 5 seconds
And code in a rules file
logger.info("Thing is <method> #{things['astro:sun:home'].<method>}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Thing is <method> <result>' within 20 seconds
method |
enable |
result |
online? |
enabled |
true |
online? |
disabled |
false |
uninitialized? |
disabled |
true |
uninitialized? |
enabled |
false |
Channel returns its linked item
Given feature 'openhab-binding-astro' installed
And items:
And things:
id | thing_uid | label | config | status |
home | astro:sun | Astro Sun Data | {"geolocation":"0,0"} | enable |
And linked:
item | channel |
PhaseName | astro:sun:home:phase#name |
And code in a rules file
logger.info("Item: #{things['astro:sun:home'].channels['phase#name'].item.name}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Item: PhaseName" within 5 seconds
Channel returns its thing
Given feature 'openhab-binding-astro' installed
And things:
id | thing_uid | label | config | status |
home | astro:sun | Astro Sun Data | {"geolocation":"0,0"} | enable |
And code in a rules file
logger.info("Thing: #{things['astro:sun:home'].channels['phase#name'].thing.uid}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Thing: astro:sun:home" within 5 seconds