Given Clean OpenHAB with latest Ruby Libraries
And items:
type | name |
Switch | TestSwitch |
Switch | TestSwitch2 |
User can access item metadata using hash like accessors
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
"bar": 'baz',
"qux": 'quux'
And code in a rules file:
logger.info("TestSwitch value for namespace test is: #{TestSwitch.meta['test'].value}")
logger.info("TestSwitch value for config bar is: #{TestSwitch.meta['test']['bar']}")
logger.info("TestSwitch value for config qux is: #{TestSwitch.meta['test'].dig('qux')}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch value for namespace test is: foo' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'TestSwitch value for config bar is: baz' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'TestSwitch value for config qux is: quux' within 5 seconds
User can modify item metadata using hash like setters
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
"bar": 'baz',
"qux": 'quux'
And code in a rules file:
logger.info("TestSwitch value for config bar is: #{TestSwitch.meta['test']['bar']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch value for config bar is: corge' within 5 seconds
User can add item metadata configuration using hash like setters
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
"bar": 'baz',
"qux": 'quux'
And code in a rules file:
logger.info("TestSwitch value for config bam is: #{TestSwitch.meta['test']['bam']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch value for config bam is: corge' within 5 seconds
User can modify item metadata value
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
"bar": 'baz',
"qux": 'quux'
And code in a rules file:
logger.info("TestSwitch value for namespace test is: '#{TestSwitch.meta['test'].value}' #{TestSwitch.meta['test']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "TestSwitch value for namespace test is: 'corge' {}" within 5 seconds
User can modify item metadata configuration
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
"bar": 'baz',
"qux": 'quux'
And code in a rules file:
TestSwitch.meta['test']= { 'x' => 'y' }
logger.info("TestSwitch value for namespace test is: \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test'].value}\" #{TestSwitch.meta['test']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch value for namespace test is: "" {"x"=>"y"}' within 5 seconds
Using .config= to assign metadata configuration without overwriting the value
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
"bar": 'baz',
"qux": 'quux'
And code in a rules file:
TestSwitch.meta['test'].config = { 'x' => 'y' }
logger.info("TestSwitch value for namespace test is: \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test'].value}\" #{TestSwitch.meta['test']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch value for namespace test is: "foo" {"x"=>"y"}' within 5 seconds
User can modify item metadata value and configuration
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
"bar": 'baz',
"qux": 'quux'
And code in a rules file:
TestSwitch.meta['test']= 'bit', { 'x' => 'y' }
logger.info("TestSwitch value for namespace test is: \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test'].value}\" #{TestSwitch.meta['test']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch value for namespace test is: "bit" {"x"=>"y"}' within 5 seconds
User can delete item metadata configuration
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
"bar": 'baz',
"qux": 'quux'
And code in a rules file:
logger.info("Before: TestSwitch value for config test:bar is: \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test']['bar']}\" nil? \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test']['bar'].nil?}\"")
TestSwitch.meta['test'].delete 'bar'
logger.info("After: TestSwitch value for config test:bar is: \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test']['bar']}\" nil? \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test']['bar'].nil?}\"")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Before: TestSwitch value for config test:bar is: "baz" nil? "false' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'After: TestSwitch value for config test:bar is: "" nil? "true"' within 5 seconds
User can add item metadata namespace
Given code in a rules file:
TestSwitch.meta['new']= 'foo', { 'bar' => 'baz' }
logger.info("TestSwitch value for namespace new is: \"#{TestSwitch.meta['new'].value}\" #{TestSwitch.meta['new']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch value for namespace new is: "foo" {"bar"=>"baz"}' within 5 seconds
User can check for inexistence of item metadata
Given code in a rules file:
TestSwitch.meta.key? 'test'
logger.info("TestSwitch has metadata namespace test? '#{TestSwitch.meta.key? 'test'}'")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "TestSwitch has metadata namespace test? 'false'" within 5 seconds
User can delete item metadata
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
"bar": 'baz',
"qux": 'quux'
And code in a rules file:
logger.info("TestSwitch has metadata namespace test? '#{TestSwitch.meta.key? 'test'}'")
TestSwitch.meta.delete 'test'
logger.info("TestSwitch has metadata namespace test after deletion? '#{TestSwitch.meta.key? 'test'}'")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "TestSwitch has metadata namespace test? 'true'" within 5 seconds
And It should log "TestSwitch has metadata namespace test after deletion? 'false'" within 5 seconds
User can enumerate all item metadata namespaces
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": { "bar": 'baz' }
And metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "second":
"value": "boo",
"config": { "moo": 'goo' }
And code in a rules file:
TestSwitch.meta.each do |namespace, value, config|
logger.info("TestSwitch namespace #{namespace} is: value=\"#{value}\" config=#{config}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch namespace test is: value="foo" config={"bar"=>"baz"}' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'TestSwitch namespace second is: value="boo" config={"moo"=>"goo"}' within 5 seconds
User can delete all item metadata namespaces
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": { "bar": 'baz' }
And metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "second":
"value": "boo",
"config": { "moo": 'goo' }
And code in a rules file:
logger.info("TestSwitch namespace test is: \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test']&.value}\" \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test']}\"")
logger.info("TestSwitch namespace second is: \"#{TestSwitch.meta['second']&.value}\" \"#{TestSwitch.meta['second']}\"")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch namespace test is: "" ""' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'TestSwitch namespace second is: "" ""' within 5 seconds
Metadata namespaces can be merged with a hash
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("TestSwitch n1: value=#{TestSwitch.meta['n1'].value} config=#{TestSwitch.meta['n1']}")
logger.info("TestSwitch n2: value=#{TestSwitch.meta['n2'].value} config=#{TestSwitch.meta['n2']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch n1: value=baz config={"foo"=>"bar"}' within 5 seconds
Then It should log 'TestSwitch n2: value=boo config={"moo"=>"goo"}' within 5 seconds
Item metadata can be merged with another item's metadata
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "ts1":
"value": "foo",
"config": { "bar": 'baz' }
And metadata added to "TestSwitch2" in namespace "ts2":
"value": "boo",
"config": { "moo": 'goo' }
And code in a rules file
TestSwitch.meta.merge! TestSwitch2.meta
logger.info("TestSwitch ts1: value=#{TestSwitch.meta['ts1'].value} config=#{TestSwitch.meta['ts1']}")
logger.info("TestSwitch ts2: value=#{TestSwitch.meta['ts2'].value} config=#{TestSwitch.meta['ts2']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch ts1: value=foo config={"bar"=>"baz"}' within 5 seconds
Then It should log 'TestSwitch ts2: value=boo config={"moo"=>"goo"}' within 5 seconds
Dig works on top level metadata namespace
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
"bar": 'baz',
"qux": 'quux'
And code in a rules file:
logger.info("TestSwitch value for dig('test') is: #{TestSwitch.meta.dig('test')}")
logger.info("TestSwitch value for dig('test', 'qux') is: #{TestSwitch.meta.dig('test', 'qux')}")
logger.info("TestSwitch value for dig('nonexistent', 'qux') is nil?: #{TestSwitch.meta.dig('nonexistent', 'qux').nil?}")
logger.info("TestSwitch value for dig('test', 'nonexistent') is nil?: #{TestSwitch.meta.dig('test', 'nonexistent').nil?}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "TestSwitch value for dig('test') is: foo" within 5 seconds
And It should log "TestSwitch value for dig('test', 'qux') is: quux" within 5 seconds
And It should log "TestSwitch value for dig('nonexistent', 'qux') is nil?: true" within 5 seconds
And It should log "TestSwitch value for dig('test', 'nonexistent') is nil?: true" within 5 seconds
Item assigned to metadata value
Given items:
type | name | state |
<type> | <item> | <state> |
And code in a rules file:
TestSwitch.meta['test'] = <item>
logger.info("TestSwitch metadata value for 'test' is: #{TestSwitch.meta['test'].value}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "TestSwitch metadata value for 'test' is: <state>" within 5 seconds
Examples: using different item types
type |
item |
state |
Contact |
Ctc_Item |
Dimmer |
Dim_Item |
60 |
Number |
Num_Item |
1.12 |
Number:Temperature |
Tmp_Item |
12 °C |
Rollershutter |
Rol_Item |
33 |
String |
Str_Item |
foo |
Switch |
Swc_Item |
ON |
Metadata works for groups
Given group "TestGroup"
And metadata added to "TestGroup" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
"bar": 'baz',
"qux": 'quux'
And code in a rules file:
logger.info("TestGroup value for namespace test is: #{TestGroup.meta['test'].value}")
logger.info("TestGroup value for config bar is: #{TestGroup.meta['test']['bar']}")
logger.info("TestGroup value for config qux is: #{TestGroup.meta['test'].dig('qux')}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestGroup value for namespace test is: foo' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'TestGroup value for config bar is: baz' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'TestGroup value for config qux is: quux' within 5 seconds
Set value and preserve existing config, or create a new namespace
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": {
'bar': 'baz'
And code in a rules file:
TestSwitch.meta['test'] = 'val', TestSwitch.meta['test']
logger.info("TestSwitch value for namespace test value=#{TestSwitch.meta['test'].value} config=#{TestSwitch.meta['test']}")
TestSwitch.meta['test2'] = 'val2', TestSwitch.meta['test2']
logger.info("TestSwitch value for namespace test2 value=#{TestSwitch.meta['test2'].value} config=#{TestSwitch.meta['test2']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch value for namespace test value=val config={"bar"=>"baz"}' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'TestSwitch value for namespace test2 value=val2 config={}' within 5 seconds
User can assign the config of one namespace to another
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": { "bar": 'baz' }
And metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "second":
"value": "boo",
"config": { "moo": 'goo' }
And code in a rules file:
TestSwitch.meta['test'].config = TestSwitch.meta['second']
logger.info("TestSwitch namespace test is: \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test']&.value}\" #{TestSwitch.meta['test']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch namespace test is: "foo" {"moo"=>"goo"}' within 5 seconds
User can assign one namespace to another
Given metadata added to "TestSwitch" in namespace "test":
"value": "foo",
"config": { "bar": 'baz' }
And metadata added to "TestSwitch2" in namespace "second":
"value": "boo",
"config": { "moo": 'goo' }
And code in a rules file:
TestSwitch.meta['test'] = TestSwitch2.meta['second']
logger.info("TestSwitch namespace test is: \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test']&.value}\" #{TestSwitch.meta['test']}")
TestSwitch.meta['test'].value = 'baa' # make sure this doesn't alter TestSwitch2's metadata
logger.info("TestSwitch namespace test is: \"#{TestSwitch.meta['test']&.value}\" #{TestSwitch.meta['test']}")
logger.info("TestSwitch2 namespace second is: \"#{TestSwitch2.meta['second']&.value}\" #{TestSwitch2.meta['second']}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'TestSwitch namespace test is: "boo" {"moo"=>"goo"}' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'TestSwitch namespace test is: "baa" {"moo"=>"goo"}' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'TestSwitch2 namespace second is: "boo" {"moo"=>"goo"}' within 5 seconds