
Rule languages supports comparing using TimeOfDay

    • Given Clean OpenHAB with latest Ruby Libraries
  • Parse strings into a TimeOfDay object

    • Given a rule template:
        logger.info("TimeOfDay is #{TimeOfDay.parse <template_time>}")
      rescue ArgumentError => e
        logger.error("Error parsing time #{e}")
    • When I deploy the rule
    • Then It should log "<log_line>" within 5 seconds


    template_time log_line
    '1' TimeOfDay is 01:00
    '02' TimeOfDay is 02:00
    '1pm' TimeOfDay is 13:00
    '12:30' TimeOfDay is 12:30
    '12 am' TimeOfDay is 00:00
    '7:00 AM' TimeOfDay is 07:00
    '7:00 pm' TimeOfDay is 19:00
    '7:30:20am' TimeOfDay is 07:30:20
    '12 am' Error parsing time
    '17:00pm' Error parsing time
    '17:00am' Error parsing time
  • TimeOfDay object can be compared against other objects

    • Given a rule:
      logger.info("Time of day compare result: #{<comparison>}")
    • When I deploy the rule
    • Then It should log "Time of day compare result: <result>" within 5 seconds

    Examples: Comparison against String

    comparison result
    TimeOfDay.noon < '12:05:00' true
    TimeOfDay.noon < '11:55:00' false
    '12:05:00' > TimeOfDay.noon true
    '12:05:00' < TimeOfDay.noon false
    '12pm' == TimeOfDay.noon true
    TimeOfDay.noon == '12pm' true

    Examples: Comparison against LocalTime

    comparison result
    TimeOfDay.noon < LocalTime::NOON.plusMinutes(5) true
    TimeOfDay.noon < LocalTime::NOON.minusMinutes(5) false
    LocalTime::NOON.minusMinutes(5) < TimeOfDay.noon true
    LocalTime::NOON.minusMinutes(5) > TimeOfDay.noon false
    TimeOfDay.noon == LocalTime::NOON true
    LocalTime::NOON == TimeOfDay.noon true
  • TimeOfDay object between? method

    • Given a rule:
      logger.info("TimeOfDay is in the range: #{TimeOfDay.noon.between? <from>..<to>}")
    • When I deploy the rule
    • Then It should log "TimeOfDay is in the range: <result>" within 2 seconds


    from to result
    '11:55:00' '12:05:00' true
    '12:05:00' '12:10:00' false
    LocalTime::NOON.minusMinutes(5) LocalTime::NOON.plusMinutes(5) true
    LocalTime::NOON.plusMinutes(3) LocalTime::NOON.plusMinutes(5) false