
Rule languages supports extensions to HSBType

    • Given Clean OpenHAB with latest Ruby Libraries
  • HSBType is inspectable

    • Given code in a rules file
      logger.info("HSBType inspected: #{HSBType.new.inspect}")
    • When I deploy the rules file
    • Then It should log "HSBType inspected: 0 °,0%,0%" within 5 seconds
  • HSBType can be constructed from a hex string

    • Given code in a rules file
      logger.info("HSBType from hex: #{HSBType.new('#abcdef').to_hex}")
      rescue => e
      logger.error("#{e}: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}")
    • When I deploy the rules file
    • Then It should log "HSBType from hex: #aacbed" within 5 seconds
  • HSBType responds to on? and off?

    • Given code in a rules file
      logger.info("HSBType is on: #{<state>.on?}")
      logger.info("HSBType is off: #{<state>.off?}")
    • When I deploy the rules file
    • Then It should log "HSBType is on: <on>" within 5 seconds
    • And It should log "HSBType is off: <off>" within 5 seconds


    state on off
    HSBType::BLACK false true
    HSBType::WHITE true false
    HSBType::RED true false
    HSBType.new(0, 0, 5) true false