
Rule languages supports extensions to time classes

    • Given Clean OpenHAB with latest Ruby Libraries
  • ZonedDateTime supports arithmetic operators against Duration

    • Given a rule:
      now = ZonedDateTime.now
      logger.info("<a>.equals(<b>): #{<a>.equals(<b>)}")
    • When I deploy the rule
    • Then It should log "<a>.equals(<b>): <result>" within 5 seconds


    a b result
    now.plus(1.minutes) now + 1.minutes true
    now.minus_hours(2) now - 2.hours true
  • LocalTime supports arithmetic operators against Duration

    • Given a rule:
      now = LocalTime.now
      logger.info("<a>.equals(<b>): #{<a>.equals(<b>)}")
    • When I deploy the rule
    • Then It should log "<a>.equals(<b>): <result>" within 5 seconds


    a b result
    now.plus(1.minutes) now + 1.minutes true
    now.minus_hours(2) now - 2.hours true
  • Ruby Time supports arithmetic operators against Duration

    • Given a rule:
      now = Time.now
      logger.info("<a> == <b>: #{<a> == <b>}")
    • When I deploy the rule
    • Then It should log "<a> == <b>: <result>" within 5 seconds


    a b result
    now + 60 now + 1.minute true
    now - 3600 now - 1.hour true
  • ZonedDateTime supports comparison operators

    • Given a rule:
      ruby_now = Time.now
      zdt_now = ruby_now.to_java(ZonedDateTime)
      logger.info("Comparison result: #{<comparison>}")
      logger.info("#{zdt_now} / #{ruby_now} #{ruby_now.nsec}")
    • When I deploy the rule
    • Then It should log "Comparison result: <result>" within 5 seconds


    comparison result
    zdt_now < zdt_now.plus_minutes(1) true
    zdt_now < Time.now + 100 true
    Time.now < Time.now.to_zdt.plus_hours(1) true
    Time.now + 10 < zdt_now false
    zdt_now.before?(Time.now + 10) true
    zdt_now.before?(Time.now - 10) false
    zdt_now == zdt_now true
    zdt_now == ruby_now true
    ruby_now == zdt_now true
    ruby_now != zdt_now false
  • LocalTime supports comparison operators

    • Given a rule:
      ruby_now = TimeOfDay.now
      lt_now = ruby_now.local_time
      logger.info("Comparison result: #{<comparison>}")
      logger.info("#{lt_now} / #{ruby_now}")
    • When I deploy the rule
    • Then It should log "Comparison result: <result>" within 5 seconds


    comparison result
    LocalTime.now < LocalTime.now.plus_minutes(1) true
    LocalTime.now - 1.minute < TimeOfDay.now true
    TimeOfDay.now < LocalTime.now.plus_hours(1) true
    TimeOfDay.now < LocalTime.now - 1.second false
    lt_now == lt_now true
    lt_now == ruby_now true
    ruby_now == lt_now true
    ruby_now != lt_now false