Given Clean OpenHAB with latest Ruby Libraries
And group "Numbers"
And items:
type | name | label | group | state |
Number | NumberOne | Number One | Numbers | 0 |
Number | NumberTwo | Number Two | Numbers | 70 |
Number | NumberNull | Number | | NULL |
NumberItem supports math operations
Given item "NumberOne" state is changed to "<initial>"
And code in a rules file
NumberOne << NumberOne<operator> <operand>
When I deploy the rules file
Then "NumberOne" should be in state "<final>" within 5 seconds
initial |
operator |
operand |
final |
50 |
+ |
2 |
52 |
50 |
- |
2 |
48 |
50 |
/ |
2 |
25 |
50 |
* |
2 |
100 |
50 |
+ |
2.0 |
52 |
50 |
- |
2.0 |
48 |
50 |
/ |
2.0 |
25 |
50 |
* |
2.0 |
100 |
NumberItem can be coerced to support opertations from Ruby number types
Given item "NumberOne" state is changed to "<initial>"
And code in a rules file
NumberOne << <operand> <operator> NumberOne
When I deploy the rules file
Then "NumberOne" should be in state "<final>" within 5 seconds
initial |
operator |
operand |
final |
50 |
+ |
2 |
52 |
50 |
- |
2 |
-48 |
50 |
/ |
2 |
0.04 |
50 |
* |
2 |
100 |
50 |
+ |
2.0 |
52 |
50 |
- |
2.0 |
-48 |
50 |
/ |
2.0 |
0.04 |
50 |
* |
2.0 |
100 |
to_d provides a BigDecimal class for math operations
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("to_d returns #{NumberOne.to_d.class}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "to_d returns BigDecimal" within 5 seconds
to_i provides an Integer class for math operations
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("to_i returns #{NumberOne.to_i.class}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "to_i returns Integer" within 5 seconds
to_f provides a Float class for math operations
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("to_f returns #{NumberOne.to_f.class}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "to_f returns Float" within 5 seconds
NumberItem should work with grep
Given code in a rules file
# Get all NumberItems
.each { |number| logger.info("#{number.id} is a Number Item") }
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Number One is a Number Item" within 5 seconds
And It should log "Number Two is a Number Item" within 5 seconds
NumberItem should work with grep ranges
Given code in a rules file
# Get all NumberItems less than 50
.each { |number| logger.info("#{number.id} is less than 50") }
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Number One is less than 50" within 5 seconds
But It should not log "Number Two is less than 50" within 5 seconds
NumberItem states work in cases
Given code in a rules file
#Check if number items is less than 50
case NumberOne
when (0...50)
logger.info("#{NumberOne.id} is less than 50")
when (50..100)
logger.info("#{NumberOne.id} is greater than 50")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Number One is less than 50" within 5 seconds
NumberItem states is compareble to floats
Given code in a rules file
#Check if number items is less than 50
if (0.0...50.0).include?(NumberOne)
logger.info("#{NumberOne.id} is in range (0.0...50.0)")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Number One is in range (0.0...50.0)" within 5 seconds
NumberItem has methods from Numeric
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Number Two is positive? #{NumberTwo.positive?}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Number Two is positive? true" within 5 seconds
Numeric predicates return false if state is nil
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Number Null is positive? #{NumberNull.positive?}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Number Null is positive? false" within 5 seconds
NumberItem can be converted to QuantityType
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("NumberTwo to °C: #{NumberTwo|"°C"} equals quantity: #{NumberTwo|"°C" == QuantityType.new('70°C')}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "NumberTwo to °C: 70 °C equals quantity: true" within 5 seconds