Tags: @conf_files


Rule languages supports watching directories and files

  • Tags: @conf_files

    • Given Clean OpenHAB with latest Ruby Libraries
  • Tags: @conf_files

    Watch supports directories

    • Given a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named 'bar'
    • And a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named 'baz'
    • And a deployed rule:
      rule 'watch directory' do
        watch OpenHAB.conf_root + 'foo'
        run { |event| logger.info("#{event.path.basename} - #{event.type}") }
    • When I <action> a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named '<file>'
    • Then It should log '<log>' within 5 seconds


    action file log
    create qux qux - created
    delete bar bar - deleted
    modify baz baz - modified
  • Tags: @conf_files

    Watch supports globs

    • Given a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named 'bar.erb'
    • And a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named 'bar'
    • And a deployed rule:
      rule 'watch directory' do
        watch OpenHAB.conf_root/'foo', glob: '*.erb'
        run { |event| logger.info("#{event.path.basename} - #{event.type}") }
    • When I <action> a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named '<file>'
    • Then It <should> log '<log>' within 5 seconds


    action file should log
    create qux.erb should qux.erb - created
    delete bar.erb should bar.erb - deleted
    modify baz.erb should baz.erb - modified
    create qux should not qux - created
    delete bar should not qux - deleted
    modify baz should not baz - modified
  • Tags: @conf_files

    Watch supports a single file

    • Given a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named 'bar'
    • And a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named 'baz'
    • And a deployed rule:
      rule 'watch file' do
        watch OpenHAB.conf_root + 'foo/bar'
        run { |event| logger.info("#{event.path.basename} - #{event.type}") }
    • When I <action> a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named '<file>'
    • Then It <should> log '<log>' within 5 seconds


    action file should log
    modify bar should bar - modified
    delete bar should bar - deleted
    modify baz should not baz - modified
    delete baz should not baz - deleted
  • Tags: @conf_files

    Watch supports creation for single file

    • Given a subdirectory 'foo' of conf
    • And a deployed rule:
      rule 'watch file' do
        watch OpenHAB.conf_root + 'foo/bar'
        run { |event| logger.info("#{event.path.basename} - #{event.type}") }
    • When I <action> a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named '<file>'
    • Then It <should> log '<log>' within 5 seconds


    action file should log
    create bar should bar - created
    create baz should not baz - created
  • Tags: @conf_files

    Watch supports globs in path

    • Given a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named 'bar.erb'
    • And a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named 'bar'
    • And a deployed rule:
      rule 'watch directory' do
        watch OpenHAB.conf_root + 'foo/*.erb'
        run { |event| logger.info("#{event.path.basename} - #{event.type}") }
    • When I <action> a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named '<file>'
    • Then It <should> log '<log>' within 5 seconds


    action file should log
    create qux.erb should qux.erb - created
    delete bar.erb should bar.erb - deleted
    modify baz.erb should baz.erb - modified
    create qux should not qux - created
    delete bar should not qux - deleted
    modify baz should not baz - modifie
  • Tags: @conf_files

    Watch can limit event triggers

    • Given a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named 'bar'
    • And a deployed rule:
      rule 'watch directory' do
        watch OpenHAB.conf_root + 'foo', for: <event_type>
        run { |event| logger.info("#{event.path.basename} - #{event.type}") }
    • When I <action> a file in subdirectory 'foo' of conf named '<file>'
    • Then It <should> log '<log>' within 5 seconds


    action file event_type should log
    delete bar :deleted should bar - deleted
    delete bar [:deleted, :modified] should bar - deleted
    delete bar :modified should not bar - deleted
    delete bar [:modified,:created] should not bar - deleted