Given Clean OpenHAB with latest Ruby Libraries
And groups:
name | group |
House | |
GroundFloor | House |
Livingroom | GroundFloor |
Sensors | House |
Temperatures | Sensors |
And items:
type | name | label | state | groups |
Number | Livingroom_Temp | Living Room temperature | 70 | Livingroom, Temperatures |
Number | Bedroom_Temp | Bedroom temperature | 50 | GroundFloor, Temperatures |
Number | Den_Temp | Den temperature | 30 | GroundFloor, Temperatures |
Ability to operate on the items in a group using enumerable methods
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Total Temperatures: #{Temperatures.count}")
logger.info("Temperatures: #{House.all_members.sort_by(&:label).map(&:label).join(', ')}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Total Temperatures: 3' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'Temperatures: Bedroom temperature, Den temperature, Living Room temperature' within 5 seconds
Access to group data
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Group: #{Temperatures.name}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Group: Temperatures' within 5 seconds
Ability to operate on the items in nested group using all_members and enumerable methods
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("House Count: #{House.all_members.count}")
logger.info("Items: #{House.all_members.sort_by(&:label).map(&:label).join(', ')}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'House Count: 3' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'Items: Bedroom temperature, Den temperature, Living Room temperature' within 5 seconds
Access to sub groups using all_members(:groups)
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("House Sub Groups: #{House.all_members(:groups).count}")
logger.info("Groups: #{House.all_members(:groups).sort_by(&:id).map(&:id).join(', ')}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'House Sub Groups: 4' within 5 seconds
And It should log 'Groups: GroundFloor, Livingroom, Sensors, Temperatures' within 5 seconds
Access to parent groups using groups method
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Parent Groups: #{Temperatures.groups.map(&:id).sort.join(', ')}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Parent Groups: Sensors' within 5 seconds
Filter output of all_members with a block
Given code in a rules file
logger.info(House.all_members { |item| /.*room.*/.match?(item.name) }.sort_by(&:name).map(&:name).join(', '))
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log ' Bedroom_Temp, Livingroom, Livingroom_Temp' within 5 seconds
Fetch Group by name
And code in a rules file
logger.info("Sensors Group: #{groups['Sensors'].name}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Sensors Group: Sensors' within 5 seconds
Groups have enumerable based math functions
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Max is #{Temperatures.max}")
logger.info("Min is #{Temperatures.min}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Max is 70" within 5 seconds
And It should log "Min is 30" within 5 seconds
Group update trigger has event.item in run block
Given code in a rules file
rule 'group member updated' do
updated Temperatures.members
run do |event|
logger.info("event.item is #{event.item.name}")
rule 'update a group member' do
run { Livingroom_Temp.update 65 }
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'event.item is Livingroom_Temp' within 5 seconds
Commands sent to a group are propagated to the group items
Given code in a rules file
GroundFloor.<method> <value>
When I deploy the rules file
Then "Bedroom_Temp" should be in state "<value>" within 5 seconds
And "Den_Temp" should be in state "<value>" within 5 seconds
method |
value |
<< |
55 |
command |
60 |
Groups work in case statements
Given groups:
name | type | function | params |
Switches | Switch | AND | ON, OFF |
Contacts | Contact | OR | OPEN, CLOSED |
Shutters | Rollershutter | AND | UP, DOWN |
And items:
type | name | label | state | groups |
Switch | SwitchOne | Switch One | ON | Switches |
Switch | SwitchTwo | Switch Two | OFF | Switches |
Contact | ContactOne | Contact One | OPEN | Contacts |
Contact | ContactTwo | Contact Two | CLOSED | Contacts |
Rollershutter | ShutterOne | Shutter One | 0 | Shutters |
Rollershutter | ShutterTwo | Shutter Two | 50 | Shutters |
And code in a rules file
case Contacts
when OPEN then logger.info('At least one contact is OPEN')
when CLOSED then logger.info('All contacts are CLOSED')
case Switches
when ON then logger.info('All switches are ON')
when OFF then logger.info('At least one switch is OFF')
case Shutters
when 0 then logger.info('All shutters are UP')
when 100 then logger.info('At least one shutter is not UP')
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "At least one contact is OPEN" within 5 seconds
And It should log "At least one switch is OFF" within 5 seconds
And It should log "At least one shutter is not UP" within 5 seconds
members on groups indicates to rules engine to trigger on changes to any members of the group
Given a deployed rule:
rule 'group member updated' do
updated Temperatures.members
run do |event|
logger.info("Group temperature updated")
When update state for item "Livingroom_Temp" to "65"
Then It should log 'Group temperature updated' within 5 seconds
Can iterate group members
Given code in a rules file:
logger.info("Ground Floor: #{GroundFloor.members.sort_by(&:name).map(&:name).join(', ')}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Ground Floor: Bedroom_Temp, Den_Temp, Livingroom' within 5 seconds
Changes to groups is visible to running rules
Given code in a rules file:
rule 'test' do
run { logger.info(Temperatures.sort_by(&:name).map(&:name).join(', ')) }
delay 10.seconds
run { logger.info(Temperatures.sort_by(&:name).map(&:name).join(', ')) }
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "Bedroom_Temp, Den_Temp, Livingroom_Temp" within 5 seconds
But if I wait 5 seconds
And I add items:
type | name | label | state | groups |
Number | Livingroom_Temp | Living Room temperature | 70 | |
Number | Kitchen_Temp | Kitchen temperature | 60 | Temperatures |
Then It should log "Bedroom_Temp, Den_Temp, Kitchen_Temp" within 10 seconds
Changing of Group type updates methods
Given groups:
And code in a rules file:
rule 'test' do
run { logger.info(Switches.respond_to?(:on?)) }
delay 10.seconds
run { logger.info(Switches.respond_to?(:on?)) }
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log "true" within 5 seconds
But if I wait 5 seconds
And groups:
Then It should log "false" within 10 seconds
Can add lazy arrays together
Given code in a rules file
logger.info("Item+Group Count: #{(items + groups).count}")
When I deploy the rules file
Then It should log 'Item+Group Count: 13' within 5 seconds